Thursday, 17 March 2016

'Bright lights, Brilliant minds, a tale of 3 citys' review.

After speaking to my tutors about my chosen theme 'Brutalism' i was told by my tutor Kath (Hi Kath if your reading this) to watch episode 2 of the 3 part documentary 'Bright lights, Brilliant minds, a tale of 3 citys'. This episode in particular was titled 'Paris' and after searching for quite some time i finaly discovered that it was still on Youtube but in four 15 mintue long parts. So i grabbed a pen and paper and sat down to watch part one in the hope of ending up with lots of useful notes. However as part one came to an end, the word Brutalism had'nt been mentioned once. so moving onto part 2 in the hope that something of interest would come along i was again left with a blank piece of paper, and to my sadness part 3 was exactly the same. At this point after watching 45 mintues of people talking about paris i began to question wether this was just a waste of time, however after deciding that i should just carry on with part 4 ( i had come this fair so i thought i might as well) i began to gain hope as within the last 10 mintues it started to move onto the topic of buildings. With 5 mintues to go, and to my delight this epiosde finaly became of use as it started to talk about modernist buildings and the idea behind the start of Brutalism with it explaining how architects of the time took inspiration from the clean, smooth lines of the new machionary that was starting to make an apperance within factories.

One man in particular seemed to pop up as the main leader of this movement, Swiss architect Le Corbusier. With a love for open plan living, walls of glass with no doors, and funcional layouts he had a vision of transforming Paris by tearing down all of its old buildings in the way for a new modern Paris that would transform it into a clean and heathly city saving it from crumbling away. However his plans were way ahead of there time, and with hardly anyone else sharing his vision Paris remind the old beautiful and romantic city that its known for.

Although some of his building of the time, such as this one i feel are actully quite beautiful.

If you fancy wacthing this episode and finding out more about Le Corbusier's plans for Paris then you can do so below.

(skip to about 10 mintues in to find the part ive been talking about)

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