Thursday, 17 March 2016

Self Initiated: Project Brief

To start this project off we were given a brief tilted 'Self Initiated'. After reading through the brief i realised that this project was going to be one were we had to come up with our own project and research based upon a certain art or design style, movement or designer. We then got presented with a table full of lots of words on strips of paper and told we had to go off and research as many as we could to find out what they ment and print a definition and examples of the word to create a gaint brainstorm as a group. The result of our work is below.

The full brainstorm in all its glory.

(we had two sheets with ART on one and DESIGN on the other, which we then had to decied wether the words were conected to one or the other and conect them with string)

As the brainstorm grew we had to add a 'MORE ART' sign to fit everything on.
And for some reason we ended up with a picture of a duck and Gary Lineker's face?

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