Thursday 17 March 2016

Musical influneces.

Moving on from my previous post, and after coming across the Led Zepplin song i was inspired to try and see if i could find any songs that were about Brutalism or that featured examples of it in there videos. Although maybe a strange idea ( i mean who would write a song about concrete buildings?) to my surprise i came across this website which had a whole artical about them.

looking through all of the songs and having a listen i found the frist video, Metronomy’s ‘Month of Sundays’ to be my favourtie as i quite liked the song and felt that the video captured Brutalism in a fun and exciting way. This video was directed by Callum Cooper and captures the Barbican Estate in kaleidoscopic form, with the camera spinning endlessly, creating a dizzying portrait of the building’s shapes and textures. (see video below)

Another video from the artical which i found interesting was The Chemical Brothers 'Go' were seven dancers march through a modernist Parisian paradisse that was directed by Michel Gondry. Many of the towers here, in the city’s Front-de-Seine area, were built in the 1970s under plans conceived by architects Raymond Lopez and Henry Pottier. This video brings to life the shapes, patterns and concrete of this continental Brutalist wonderland. 
I also felt that the last video in this artical, Omi Palone 'Architecture' perfectly showcased many brutalist buildings in a rather beautiful way that was more simple then the chemical bothers 'Go' video. ( see Omi Palone 'Architecture' below)
                                         (both videos from Youtube)

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