Thursday 17 March 2016

Trip to the libary and 'Stairway to Heaven'.

In an atempt to gain more information about Brutalism i decided to take a trip to my local libary to see if they had any books that could be on use. After spending about 20 mintues just finding the architure section i then spent another 10 trying to find a book on it and ended up only coming across one book that sort of had one page that i thought could be of use. Anyway this is the book below.

From the cover i felt quite optermistic as it looked like it would be filled with lots of concrete uglyiness and interesting modern buildings that would be useful for my research. however as they say 'never judge a book by its cover' because this didnt live up to my hopes as i only came across this one page with a picture of a building called 'Stairway to Heaven'.

Although after getting home and trying to research into this building to find out more i seemed to only be able to find one website that talked about a book that was in french a song by Led Zeppelin with the same name (which ill include below for any fans). Overall this was not the most successful trip to say the least.

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