Thursday 17 March 2016

Couvent Sainte Marie de la Tourette.

After watching episode 2 of 'Bright lighs, Brilliant minds, a tale a 3 citys' i came across the French Brutalist building  'Couvent Sainte Marie de la Tourette' designed by Le Corbusier.

Exterior view, courtyard.

This building i found to be the most interesting out of all of his work as i felt it captured the style of Brutalism the best with its bold structure made from reinforced concrete. Situated in Eveux, RhĂ´ne, France and built between 1957-1961 this building has a very harsh feeling to it with its high walls and many strange layers of shapes which i feel can be best seen in this video captured by a student from Mackintosh school of architure in 2013 on a study trip below.

(warning, its not the most exciting video in the world but i feel it captures the buildings most intresting parts at 3:58 and around 5 mintues which show a certain corner of the building that looks like it has a strange concrete triangle plopped on it)

image from


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